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2020 - 2021 Fall Semester Final Works


Final Compilation of ARCH101 is composed of a series of design assignments. SECTIONS and PROJECTIONS are introduced one after another. As SECTIONS introduce fresh assignments focused on a variety of subjects, PROJECTIONS expand the “basics” of design throughout the semester. Each design assignment is assessed by its own terms and the final assessment is an evaluation of the design process rather than of a single final product.



In the final assignment of ARHC 201, the concept of ‘underground’ has been studied as an unofficial, unsanctioned and informal act to define alternative experiences in various setups. The Crosstrail assignment aimed to discover the spatial interactions and organizations at different scales to design a living unit /house for the indicated occupant profile with the identified program elements. Introduced with two main trails _culinary and music_ the assignment hosted various conditions of the ‘underground’ concept and has been studied in three different fictitious site conditions.




The site of ARCH 301 majorly belongs to the facilities of University Sports Center of Venice (CUS), which is an important public function for the locals. While making a contextual project in Venice, it is important to understand the necessities of the Venetians who are overwhelmed by conditions of conservation and overtourism. CUS serves the necessity of public recreation. Thus, instead of inserting a new function students are expected to redesign the same function while extending the site towards the Barbarigo Embankment. The tasks are to locate spaces of various scales within a historical fabric, to match the requirements of open and closed sports facilities; to create a new public space for Dorsoduro quarter and the university students. The project is beneficial for the students to understand concepts like analogical architecture and architectural autonomy.



The term project of Arch401 addresses environmental exigencies which question the encounter between architecture and ecological conditions shaped by urban, political, social, and economic issues. The projects were developed for three different sites at İskenderun Körfezi and the students were expected to:

- Develop a vocabulary of ecological conditions and build up a lexicon of Eco-X’s as a collaborative and cumulative work.

- Design an architectural program in line with the exigencies of the environment within urban complexities.

- Design a generic architectural system by formulating strategies and developing toolkits for the realization of an unprecedented architecture, referring to the lexicon developed for Eco-X.