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STÜDYO ÇALIŞMALARI: 2022-2023 Güz ve Bahar Dönemleri Final Çalışmaları

A selection of projects produced at TEDU ARCH Architectural Design Studios during the 2022-2023 Fall and Spring semesters can be accessed from the links below.

Award: Murat Artu and the Passion for Architecture Student Competition

Our first year students Ayça Dal and Nilsu Ufuk won the Architects' Association 1927 Special Award and our first year student Rawand Mutaz Shaker Batah won the Honorable Mention at the Murat Artu and Passion for Architecture Student Competition organized by the Artu Family in memory of Murat Artu, who served as the 9th and 10th President of the Turkish Association of Independent Architects between 2003 and 2006 and passed away in 2021.


For more information:

The VOID Mag 3rd Special Issue

THE VOID MAG's 3rd special issue, centered around the theme of "street", was collaboratively created by TEDU Architecture students and alumni. This particular subject matter is a relevant and contemporary topic, especially in light of the pandemic's impact on our daily lives over the last few years. THE VOID MAG is delighted to present this edition to its readers, which highlights the idea of "returning back to the streets after the pandemic."


AD_t Talks: Biomaterial Design Across Scales by Orkan Telhan

The first lecture of TEDU MArch talks will take place on 27.12.2022 at the Multi-Purpose Hall. To watch the lecture on Zoom and ask questions, use the following link:


Meeting ID: 994 3076 8059

Passcode: 349476


Orkan Telhan investigates critical issues in cultural, environmental and social responsibility.

Award: MimED2022_ Project Awards for Architecture Students

At the 'Project Awards for Architecture Students’, which was held for the twenty first time this year by the Architecture Education Association (MimED), second-year student of the Department of Architecture, Umut Er, won the Jury Special Award in the First Year Category.

For more information:ışma?lang=en

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