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2019 - 2020 Spring Semester Final Works

FIELD I/O consists of successive design exercises guided by spatial/formal acts to explore the interactions between body and space. Deriving from an initial study of mapping, the densities, multiplicities, continuities and shifts in data are translated into 3-dimensional fields by four different themes: the section, the strip, the plate and the mesh. Each theme operates through a particular set of elements, spatial / formal acts, and material conditions providing a methodological framework for the design process of the fields. For the final stage, the fields are reprocessed with one more input: the human body. In order to expand the spatial possibilities that the field offers, FIELD I/O seeks for varieties in scale, enclosure, relation and quality of spaces. Unexpectedly and unprecedentedly conducted as an online architectural design studio, FIELD I/O encourages hybrid working environments; physical and digital means of 3d modeling and design; mixed media representations; simultaneous studies of modeling and drawing; use of experimental materials and techniques of model making; and recycling and adapting unconventional materials.

For more please visit our collective studio blog:

Studio coordinators: Seray Türkay, Derin İnan, Gökhan Kınayoğlu, Melis Acar, Sonat Özcivanoğlu



The ARCH 202 project for this spring –a fish market in Urla/Ildır, attempts to refer and honour a beloved character in the famous comic series Asterix, Unhygienix the Fishmonger, who gives us all that is required for a 202 project (a moderate scale public program that is flexible and open to interpretation; dynamic public interaction; small, potentially interesting but not highly complex context; and multiple objects that can initiate studies on scale interrelations –the boat, the crate and the counter) and some more (the fish! The dirty, messy, smelly and delicious fish...). Unhygienix does not mind when people buy his fish to fight with but refuses to hire them out.

Studio coordinators: Başak Uçar, Bilge İmamoğlu, Ziya İmren, Sinem Çınar, Cem Korkmaz, Güneş Duyul, Utku Coşkuner


The specific term topic of ARCH 302 Spring Semester is ‘Living Together: A Community Housing in Ankara’ which focuses on the design of –a habitation- that provides multiple levels of sociability. Defining its main user group as young and senior citizens (university students and elderly) living together and forming a community, the project aimed to study various scenarios of cohabitation for a multi-use housing without any commercial concern. The semester was performed as a group work where the students made up their “offices” where they also defined the characteristics of their practice for 2020s.

Studio coordinator: Namık Erkal, Elif Yabacı, Onur Yüncü, Can Aker, Onur Özkoç, Esatcan Coşkun, Çağrım Koçer


Building upon the knowledge and experience of the previous semester, ARCH402 - 'Architectures of Assemblage: Environmental-and-Urban Urgencies in İzmit' - aims to design a site specific architectural product with a complex program of approximately 20.000m2 consisting of research facilities, healing facilities, mass activity areas (indoor-outdoor), commercial facilities and accommodation. Each student will be in search of an architecture of “assemblage” in which assemblage is defined as a way of arranging multiple heterogeneous components, such as scapes, programs, users, site conditions etc.

Studio coordinators: Berin Gür, Heves Beşeli, Duygu Tüntaş, Evren Başbuğ, Aylin Alicanoğlu